Medical Assessments
Below are several frequently asked questions regarding the medical assessments offered at Abbott House:
What is a medical assessment?
A medical assessment is a simple, child-friendly process that looks at general health factors such as height and weight, vital signs, and an overall view of the child’s body. In certain situations, forensic evidence is collected to aid investigators.
Why might a medical assessment be offered to my child?
To assess the general health, growth, and development of your child.
To refer your child for further medical treatment or mental health needs.
To reassure you and your child about medical concerns and to inform you about further resources.
To assess your child for injuries or to photograph present injuries.
To collect forensic evidence that may be used in an investigation.
What is NOT part of the medical assessment?
We do not provide any medications or provide a medical diagnosis for any conditions.
We do not test for sexually transmitted diseases.
We do not give any injections or draw blood.
Medical assessments conducted at Abbott House are not medical examinations and do not take the place of primary care provided by a physician, nurse practitioner, or any other primary care provider.
Who will be conducting the assessment?
Lisa Dunson, Abbott House’s Director of Nursing Services, will be conducting all assessments at this time. Nurse Dunson (RN, MS) has been in health care for over 22 years. She graduated from the University of Central Oklahoma in 2004 with a master’s degree in forensic science. Her major course of study was forensic nursing with a large portion of the curriculum focusing on sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse. Lisa received her bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Oklahoma (with distinction) in 1998.
Will a medical assessment be required?
Each child is treated individually based on his or her needs. Medical assessments are always voluntary, and both you (the parent, caregiver, or temporary guardian) and your child are allowed to make individual choices about the assessment process, including whether or not to have a medical assessment.